IoT/OT cybersecurity: What’s new in Cyber Vision 3.2?

Securing Industrial Networks with Cyber Vision.

10:00 AM PST

Protecting industrial networks against cyber threats requires visibility and insights into industrial assets and processes. It requires Cisco Cyber Vision! Attend this session to see what Cyber Vision can do for you and learn about the great new features of the new 3.2 release:

  • How can Cyber Vision give you visibility on your industrial assets to help you implement security best practices?
  • What threat detection capabilities does Cyber Vision offer?
  • How does Cyber Vision enhance your existing IT security tools?
  • What are the new features of Cyber Vision 3.2?
  • See a comprehensive demo of Cyber Vision
Featured Speakers
Divya Nair, Product Manager, IoT Security
Dan Behrens, Technical Marketing Engineer, IoT Security
Fabien Maisl, Marketing Manager, IoT Security
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